Wednesday, July 1, 2009

if tomorrow never comes...

Isn't it ironic how an event in our life can make us sober? My mishap with my girlfriend last Monday has made me think of a few things. I have wonderful friends, family, and an amazing husband!
"If tomorrow never comes, will they know how much I love them?"
Jayson has been working so hard at work, and doing "sweat equity" on the house on the side. Works been a little "much" lately, and I've been worried about him. He's not angry, or pissy...just...well, WARN OUT! He slept in Sunday morning till 10:30 - THIS NEVER HAPPENS! This man wakes up at 5:30 just to make breakfast each weekend.
Last weekend I went out with the girls to Salt Lake. We enjoyed a VERY expensive dinner at The Melting Pot, soooo much fun - and shopping and more eating on Saturday. Jayson kept the kids, happily, and still managed to frame the porch for the porch cap. When I got home the kids had went out to Grandmas, and Jayson and I spent some time at the house just talking.
Tuesday night I came home with a migraine. It's been awhile since I've had one that bad. He ran to Hyrum, got McDonald's for Addy and Ashton (Jos is visiting her mom), started a movie and went to help Steve haul hay. Came home, picked up, bathed kids and took out the trash and let me sleep. Yes, I slept from the time I got home until 7 this morning.
When I got to work, I noticed that one of my friends had posted a link to last nights Americas Got Talent, for a Mr. Kevin Skinner. *check it out on You Tube*
I started to cry..sob...bawl! This guy is good, but it was the song he sings.

Jayson - I just want you to know - If tomorrow never comes, I LOVE YOU! You are an amazing person. I know that I whine A LOT, about A LOT, and forget sometimes that you are the one thing that still keeps me in my place and smiling! You go to work everyday so that we have have what we need/want. I know that every marriage has it's storms, and we have endured many - but the sun keeps coming back. I loved you then, I love you now!


Bryce and Britt said...

You have me in tears! When I watched Kevin the first time my first thought was Oh this is going to be great! By the middle I was bawling!! Perfect example of not judging a book by its cover!

Elise DeMille said...

Margaret, I so enjoy reading your posts and most times read them through tears. Thank you for always putting things into perspective and expressing how you feel! You are such a good example! Thank you!!!

Holly said...

I love your pics. Who took them? Your family is adorable.

[BevS] said...

Can you believe I found your blog?!!? You are something else Margaret!! What a great lady you are. My husband started our blog, so he could have a place to post pics of his horse!
I love the pics of your family.