Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What a beautiful day!

Saturday was finally the big day for my cousin Jill. She looked gorgeous in her dress, and don't forget the shoes. Every girl needs the perfect shoes for the perfect day. Jill had a pair of whites for the temple, and the most amazing red ones for the dinner!

Josh and Jill were married in the Logan LDS Temple. It was an absolutely BEAUTIFUL day! The sky was blue and the temp was just right.

Addy has this mild obsession with weddings, flowers, dresses, and cakes. She was so excited when Jill invited us to the temple for family pictures. At first Addy was not going to be able to go to the lunch afterwards, too many adults, but then just enough couldn't make it that a spot was available for Addy. You would have though she was going to the grand ball. She was Jill's little shadow as much as I would allow. I even had to pull her away from Jill when they were greeting guests. I think maybe Addy should be a professional Wedding Planner when she grows up.



Unknown said...

You are so cute! I love your hair! One of these day im going to come try your goodies. I hate to bake and cook but I wished I new how to because I think I would lilke to bake and cook more if I actually knew how :)Sounds like fun. Your little Addi is dang cute!